What you get
Speaker: Tom Quail
3hrs CPD
The Children (Scotland) Act 2020 received royal assent in August 2020. The changes have not yet been brought into force as the Government, Local Authority Courts and Children's Hearings prepare for the changes before they have to start delivering them.
Speaker: Stephen Farrell
3hrs CPD
This session will cover the legal basics and recent case law as well as providing practical help and tips on how you can minimise risk when issuing notices.
Speaker: Tim Edward
3hrs CPD
Risk Management and Compliance are now priority areas for all practices and practitioners and recent changes to regulations have led to firms and their employees receiving substantial penalties for not adhering to these rules.
Speakers: Alan Eccles; Tom Quail
4hrs CPD
In this session, delegates will benefit from an in depth look at topical issues which traverse both these areas of law and discuss specific points which may require a collaborative approach.
Speaker: Alan Eccles & guests
3hrs CPD
It is becoming more important for Scottish private client advisers to stay up to date with key international succession issues and ensure you can identify and protect yourself and your firm from any risk factors.
Speaker: Alan Eccles
3hrs CPD
Modern families introduce a range of legal issues around succession, tax and securing family wealth. This seminar will look at some key points about avoiding traps when dealing with the complexities of families.
Speaker: Alan Eccles
3hrs CPD
The discussion will cover legacies for more difficult, complex or unusual assets.
Speaker: Jennifer Thomson
3hrs CPD
As the damages awards in recent decisions from the Scottish Courts have reached record high levels, this has impacted on the work of personal injury lawyers. How these claims are investigated, presented and proceed through the litigation process is constantly evolving due to recent legislation and Court decisions.
Speaker: Laura Macdonald
3hrs CPD
This course considers some of the key recent decisions that Employment Tribunals across Scotland and the UK have taken, and how they will impact employment law today and into the future.
Speaker: Alan Eccles
3hrs CPD
This session will look at what registration means, the process involved and what private client advisers will need to be doing.
Speaker: Alan Eccles
3hrs CPD
This seminar will look at key points for those drafting and advising on Scottish trusts. The session will consider when trusts could be useful, the types of trust to use in different situations, critical drafting points, and more.
Speaker: Alan Eccles
3hrs CPD
Whether it be complex assets, ‘disappointment’, accurately interpreting and implementing the wishes of the deceased, family structures, valuable estates or tax rules solicitors face a growing network of issues to navigate.
Speaker: Tim Edward
2hrs CPD
Tim Edward will review how alternatives to court resolution of disputes have developed in recent years up to and through the pandemic and give a guide to recent case law in the relevant areas and possible legislation which might change the terrain.
Speaker: Mike McColl, Mark McMurray
2hrs CPD
Many commercial property solicitors regularly advise on development transactions – yet very rarely are the fundamental principles of the way the system works explained.
Speaker: Iain G. Mitchell QC
3hrs CPD
The Seminar will look at parking as an issue in the law of landlord and tenant and as a heritable servitude right, as well also at the light it casts on servitudes generally.
Speaker: Donna McKay; Susie Mountain
2hrs CPD
This seminar will look at the financial and child law difficulties affecting ex-pats who find their relationships have broken down.
Speaker: Tim Edward
2hrs CPD
The world of commercial dispute resolution has evolved rapidly to address the impact of the last 18 months, and significant changes have taken place both in terms of procedure and substantive law.
Speakers: Alan Eccles, Jonathan Brecker, Susan Ross
3hrs CPD
Robust and appropriate legal structures are essential in supporting and implementing good estate planning. The right structure can support a family and be the foundation for family business.
Speaker: Various
4hrs CPD
This in depth virtual conference will provide a unique blend of insights from Fiona Brown, the Public Guardian; the ex-Public Guardian, Sandra McDonald; and other solicitors and professionals involved in helping advise in this field.
Speaker: Alan Eccles
3hrs CPD
This seminar will look at key steps in the establishment, life, and the ending of a trust. It will cover what should be considered when advising on the use of trusts including important tax considerations.
Speaker: Alan Eccles, John Cairns, Andrew Reynolds
3hrs CPD
This seminar is timed to get you up to speed on the estate planning landscape following the Budget: the essentials of the rules and any significant changes.
Speakers: Tim Edward
2hrs CPD
New rules on electronic filing and virtual hearings have had a huge impact on those practising all forms of dispute resolution. Tim Edward will review the new landscape.
Speaker: Fiona McLeod
3hrs CPD
In this in depth seminar, we will explore and examine the legislative changes which have been made and the impact on the housing sector post COVID-19.
Speaker: Catherine Bury
3hrs CPD
The Farm is a complex place when it comes to use, occupation and tenancies. Agricultural use can be obvious but what types of tenancy can a person have if they have been in occupation with nothing in writing?
Speaker: Alan Eccles
3hrs CPD
This session aims to cover the key current obligations and how they can be efficiently dealt with in practice, as well as an awareness of and gearing up for changing requirements.
Speaker: Tim Edward, Rehana Begum
3hrs CPD
This session will review how the changes implemented within the Money Laundering Regulations 2017 have impacted firms and their clients and how firms might best prepare themselves for regulatory audit in this area.
Speaker: Alan Eccles
3hrs CPD
This session will provide a blueprint for best practice in wills, trusts and estates matters which will not only improve client service but also help solicitors identify and manage risk.
Speaker: Alan Eccles
3hrs CPD
Alan Eccles considers the risk issues for solicitors as they assist individuals, executors, trustees and charities at this quite extraordinary time.
Speaker: Alan Eccles
1hr CPD
Alan Eccles of BrodiesLLP provides solicitors, other professional advisers and charity trustees and senior management teams with an overview of the key legal and governance currently affecting Scottish charities.